Kaleidoscope Magazine

Kaleidoscope magazine creatively focuses on the experiences of disability through literature and the fine arts. This award-winning publication expresses the experience of disability from the perspective of individuals, families, friends, healthcare professionals, educators and others.

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Ebbs and Flows

Summer is synonymous with the beach for many people. There’s just something mesmerizing and cathartic about watching waves spill onto shore and slip back out into the vast sea. Just as the ocean breathes in and out upon sandy beaches, . . .
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The Art of Living

A new year often brings a period of renewal and reflection. As we look at our lives, we might decide to implement some positive changes in an effort to live a more authentic existence. Conversely, we may decide something we’ve . . .
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The Ties that Bind

We experience many connections in life and in this issue we take a closer look at the ties that bind. Within these pages you’ll see two prominent threads are inextricably woven into this issue:  family and deafness. Our featured piece, . . .
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Discovering Unexpected Truths

Unexpected truths are discovered throughout this issue, in all genres. Sometimes the truth can be hard to swallow and in other cases, revelations are surprisingly sweet. One story exposes bits of the truth without fully disclosing all the details, and . . .
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The Path to Contentment

Read issue 85 here. Elizabeth Gilbert provided an intriguing description of contentment in Eat Pray Love when she identified it as a “bandit,” eluding all who chase it. It taunts and disappears when seekers get too close and she concludes, . . .
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The cover of issue 84 of Kaleidoscope. It featured a recreation of "Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Erik Jensen.

Resilience: That Was Then, This is Now

Read issue 84 here. Perhaps we were looking through rose-colored glasses when we saw 2020 in the rearview mirror and thought our pandemic woes were behind us. We may have naively believed 2021, and a vaccine, would bring an end . . .
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Cover of Kaleidoscope Issue 83. Orange background and a floral painting in the center.

Global Perspectives

In this summer issue of Kaleidoscope we'll take a walk "Into the Forest" with Mariana Abeid-McDougall and explore the ways the terrain of a forest compares to life with chronic illness. Just as pain is her constant companion as she . . .
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Cover of Kaleidoscope Winter/Spring 2021 Issue 82 titled We Are Worthy. Cover art done by Blur, shows an African American woman in a wheelchair on a bridge holding her fist up with pride.

We Are Worthy

Along with nearly everyone else in the world, we were eager to wrap up 2020 and we are looking forward to a brighter, healthier 2021. In the midst of this pandemic, we are truly connected through this shared experience in . . .
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