Toy & Resource Center

United Disability Services’ toy lending library loans developmental toys and resource materials to preschools, therapists, parents, grandparents and anyone working with a child from birth to six years of age. One of the largest in the state, we have 4,200 toys kids love to play with that help foster essential developmental skills. We also have a large number of items adapted for children with special needs, including new toys that are beneficial to individuals on the autism spectrum.

Tuesday 2-5 p.m.
Wednesday 2-5 p.m.
Thursday 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

The Toy & Resource Center has been serving the community for 45 years. By becoming a member or a partner, you can help to ensure that these toys and resources continue to be available to the children who need them.

Why buy toys when you can borrow them? Download the TRC pamphlet to share via email.

Contact us today for more information or schedule a tour by calling 330-762-9755. The Center is also available to provide presentations for centers and agencies.

This opportunity is made available by the generosity of the following:

Summit County Developmental Disabilities Board, GOJO Industries, Inc., GPD Group Employees’ Foundation, Millennium Fund for Children of Akron Community Foundation, RePlay for Kids, The Mary and George L. Demetros Charitable Trust and R.C. Musson and Katherine M. Musson Charitable Foundation

Take a look inside the Toy & Resource Center—


Want to learn more? Reach out!

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